Friday, August 3, 2007

The Minnesota Bridge

This weekend my friends and family all happened to be out of town so I had some time by myself. So off I went around Lino Lakes with the companionship of my dog and my 35mm camera. I really like these three pics. I feel like I am always looking to go to a far away foreign land to find beauty when it is right here at home. I love Minnesota- especially the people.

This last week my mom and I were eating at Axel's Bonfire when we saw on the news a video of the 35W bridge collapsing. It was 5 minutes after it had happened so there weren't any emergency professionals to the scene yet. My heart sunk when I realized what bridge it was. Every where I looked people were on their phones, checking on loved ones.

The Minnesota people have really impressed me with the love they have shown for their fellow man during this tragic time. It seems that so many people went down on their own to give food and money donations. There were also many many many people who rushed to the scene immediately and tried to help while at the same time risking their own safety. I love Minnesotans.


Kimberly said...

Hey Amy Jo
Found your blog through Em's! How are you doing? Hope things are going good.. keep in touch!


Jaron & Abby said...

Look at my artistic amy jo! You'll have to take pics of Olivia when you come down here next.

Shelly said...

Yay for blogging! Those pictures are really cool! Good work!

erika said...

Amy Jo--I didn't know you had a blog! Yeah! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. I have missed you almost too much!

Brian and Sharmaine said...

Am! You are a wonder! I miss you so much! Beautiful pictures for a beautiful girl! I love you!

Emily Lauren said...

Yay am- we can add comments now (at first it wouldn't let me and I was extremely depressed).
As everyone is saying, your pictures are great! I forgot how cool film was. How did you get them on to your computer though?

Colie said...

Oooo - I like the second picture with the old house. I feel like that there's a wild story behind it. You've captured Minnesota so beautifully!

erika said...

Amy--It is just a Bad-Ape-Day. You are not a bad ape. It is just a bad-ape-day. Mostly because for the life of me I can't remember if I cheated while playing sweepy--or what sweepy is for that matter. REMIND ME!! Please!!

Ashleigh and Zebb said...

Yea Amy I can finally comment! I found your blog forever ago but wasn't able to leave you comment! You are the cutest ! I totally miss you and our fun times together! You totally need to keep in touch and you totally need to update me! shoot me an email sometime soon!!

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