Friday, July 16, 2010

I forget the miserable world.

On the verge of being a sentimental fool.

Exhibit B:

Painting on the left: This is a painting that my Great Grandmother painted of the beaches is Savanna, Georgia. This is where her and my Grandpa Jim lived for most their life. My Grandma Olida had a gallery on Main St. in Savanna. I believe the house still belongs to my family. Its right on the beach with a big long dock that stretches out the ocean. I have never been.
I really want to go there.

African Elephant Art: Ed and I picked this out together when we were in Swaziland, Africa. I think it was done with Charcoal. I love how raw it is. Its so real and torn and imperfect. Which is exactly what makes it perfect.

I think I need to learn French. I can't get enough of this guy.


Hannabeth said...

Oh, I love Bensé. Don't worry though. He's just as attractive whether or not you understand what he's saying. :)

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, Unfortunately they sold the house and property, I wanted to keep it, Jodie wanted to, be we did not carry enough weight to make it a go !!!!!!!

Love you,

matthew carl nelson said...

Nice elephant!

We have an elephant in our house too, but it's different from that one. Not better, not worse, just different. Like a snowflake.

Amy Jo said...

Hannahbeth: I need you to teach me french please.
Food first. Next, geometry.

Dad: That is the saddest thing I have heard in a while.

Matt(who knew your middle name was Carl): Elephants ARE like snowflakes. Is your elephant metaphorical or literal, or pictorial like mine?
If its metaphorical, I vote you and Whit have a heart to heart... unless its like a snowflake.

Reading that comment back to myself reminded me of how mind blowing I felt after Inception. So much to understand in such a small amount of time.

Anonymous said...

I know its very sad.... Grandma thinks she still has it... poor thing... Mandy and Jason stopped by the other day.... I asked.... and nope they were never there either... it is a very sad passing of a great family landmark! Maybe if I hit the lottery I'll go buy it back!
Love you,