Monday, July 26, 2010

Back of the boat was painted wrecking ball.

Ed: What do you want to do today?
Me: Go to the Great Salt Lake.
Ed: Really?
Me: Yes. Please.

That is right. Those are bugs that bird is trying to eat.

Don't worry, Ed isn't trying to eat them. I just made him walk in them so they would scatter* and I could take a picture.

Bugs on our things.

Ed throwing mud at me. I promise that he wasn't as mad at me as he looks. I don't think.


Don't worry, we floated. But we used a fancy film camera (disposable, yep you heard that right). But they will come shortly. It was kind of a rough experience for me at first. I thought it would be cool to just lean back and fall into the water (trust fall style), but I didn't calculate how much saltmultipliedby100ofwhatsinanocean, would really sting my eyes. I stood up and I couldn't even wipe them because I had salt all over my hands. (obviously).
Ed rubbed my eyes for me.**

When we left we had salt everywhere. My hair had streaks of white.

In the spirit of this post: listen to this.

*Exhibit 1 that Ed loves me.
**Exhibit numero dose. He totally loves me.


Brianna said...

you guys are adorable! I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures! You're so talented :)

Amy Jo said...

Brianna! Thank you! keep reading! I hope everything is going well for you! We should all get together sometime, someday soon.

afton said...

i love everything about this post!

(and when i saw him walk through the bugs i was going to say "aw, the things you do for love" and then you mentioned it. he totally loves you.)

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